


安森美半导体提供广泛的负载点器件和线性稳压器产品阵容,可满足各种电压和电流要求,包括正在不断发展的 48 V 可兼容系列。


处理我们生命数据的微处理器和 GPU 核心是非常困难、动态的负载。多相电源在各种负载下提供了高能效,针对各种应用中的计算提供了快速响应。


热插拔内存、驱动器或其他外围设备的能力是服务器、计算和电信硬件的一项关键功能。安森美半导体的负载开关和 eFuse 产品阵容提供了一个将热插拔控制器和 MOSFET 集成到一个器件的简单、紧凑和高能效的方案。

Gate Driver Solutions

Every switch needs a gate driver. Gate Driver Products are the interface between control signals (from a digital or analog controller) and power switches (IGBTs, MOSFETs, SiC MOSFETs, and GaN HEMTs). Their additional functions can include level shifting, isolation, fault sensing and signal conditioning. We offer a broad selection tailored for a variety of power switches, topologies and applications. ON Semiconductor’s diverse portfolio of gate drivers contains the right solution for a range of systems including Automotive, Industrial, Cloud and Telecom applications.

Gate Driver Products

*Click on the products in the table to learn more.

Configuration 20-36V 100-300V 600-700V 900V 1200V
Single Channel Low-side
Dual Channel Low-side
High-side and Low-side
4 Channel Full-bridge
6 Channel Three-phase

Gate Driver Categories

Opto Isolated

Design Resources - Evaluation Boards

Gate Driver Plug and Play >

SECO−GDBB−EVB is a baseboard conceived for use as a plug and play environment for testing various types of gate drivers. The board enables to feed the drivers with the same control signal under same conditions and compare their capabilities. It is set up to accommodate up to six driver boards (daughter boards) designed to test gate drivers functions and features (all driver boards are pin compatible with baseboard).

Main PCB Structure

Daughter Mini Board Structure

Gate Driver Category by Isolation

Non-Isolated > Junction Isolated > Galvanic Isolated >
  • Single or Multiple Channel
  • Cheapest, simple solution for many
    applications where only a low-side driver
    is needed

  • Normally needed in very high power/high voltage
    systems and Single Phase
  • Three options: Optical, Inductive, Capacitive

Gate Driver Isolation Options

Single Isolated

Galvanic isolation is provided in the gate drive PWM logic signal from the controller using a part such an optocoupler or digital isolator. Then the isolated PWM signal is fed to the gate driver to turn on and off the switch.


  • Not commonly used
  • Layout can be complex due to extra IC's
  • Decoupling Caps extra cost
  • GND noise Common Mode choke could be required
  • APPS-Low to Med Power; Afterthought Isolation need it if long cables are used
Junction Isolation

A junction isolated gate driver does not provide true galvanic isolation. A semiconductor junction in the driver allows a floating well to rise and fall with the switch node, and therefore be able to control the high side gate.


  • Low cost
  • Easy layout
  • Need to select Boost Diode and Cap with care for speed/ratio noise
  • Possible Cap needed for cross-coupling reduction due to NO galvanic Isolation
  • APPS-DC-DC; PFC; Small-Med Motor drivers; Consumer Appliances; Med Power UPS<3KW
Galvanic Isolation

Galvanic isolation allows power or signal transfer between two electrical circuits without a shared current flow (circuits separately grounded). This can increase the reliability and safety of power systems and protects sensitive circuits from transients.

Inductive / Coreless transformer

  • The magnetic field coupling between inductors carries the signal across the isolation boundary.

Capacitive Isolation

  • The electric field between parallel plates (capacitor) carries the signal across the isolation boundary.


  • Photons from an LED are detected by a photdiode to transmit the signal across the isolate boundary.


  • IC is complex; all Intergrated
  • Full protection features
  • Higher cost/Highest safety
  • Ease of Layout, no extra components
  • APPS-High Power AC/BLDC Motors; Industrial SMPS; Solar Inverters; High Power UPS>3KW


数据中心的尺寸、密度和数量正在快速增长,驱动着对于能效不断提高的需求。数据中心的最大运行成本是电力。在电源分配结构的每个级提高功率转换能效,这是降低成本的一个重要因素。人工智能、机器与机器的连接性以及云计算,这些不断涌现的应用正在驱动着更高机架功率密度的需求,另外还带来了适应 48 V 背面电极的挑战。

Gate Driver Solutions

Every switch needs a gate driver. Gate Driver Products are the interface between control signals (from a digital or analog controller) and power switches (IGBTs, MOSFETs, SiC MOSFETs, and GaN HEMTs).

更多视频 ...

Power Integrated Modules for Industrial Drives Chinese
What are TM PIMs? What are the Features and Process for utilizing TM PIMs? What Applications can TM PIMs be used in? All these questions and more will be answered in this presentation by Jinchang Zhou with ON Semiconductor. 
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