By Technology
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – May 9, 2023 – onsemi (Nasdaq: ON), a leader in intelligent power and sensing technologies, today announced the launch of its Hyperlux™ automotive image sensor family. With a 2.1 µm pixel size, industry-leading 150dB ultra-high dynamic range (HDR) and LED flicker mitigation (LFM) across the full automotive temperature range, the Hyperlux family provides high performance, speed and advanced features to propel the next generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) forward. It also enables a smooth transition to Level 2+ driving automation, which requires the driver only to take over when alerted by the technology.
The Hyperlux family spans products with resolutions from 3 megapixels (MP) to 8 MP and higher, catering to both sensing and viewing camera applications. With an HDR of 150 dB, it captures high-quality images under extreme lighting conditions without sacrificing lowlight sensitivity. The LFM capability of the platform ensures that pulsed light sources do not appear to flicker, thereby avoiding flicker-induced machine vision issues.
“The simultaneous HDR and LFM capabilities ensure that the potential hazard can be identified in either very dark or bright scenes, critical to ADAS and in-cabin applications," said Huohong Jiang, Deputy General Manager of the Intelligent Driving Sensor Business Unit at Desay SV. “With the new Hyperlux technology, automotive OEMs and tier ones can expect proven high performance in all operating conditions to accelerate more advanced safety and convenience features."
Reinforcing onsemi’s position as a market leader in automotive-grade image sensors, the Hyperlux product family boasts the industry’s lowest power consumption and smallest footprint. By using up to 30% less power and having up to 28% smaller footprint than competing devices, the automotive image sensors deliver energy-efficient designs with the lowest system material cost. As more electronic content, including image sensors, gets added to cars, it is crucial that the content is as small as possible to fit in existing designs while not disrupting the internal and external style of the vehicle.
“As vehicles become more connected and move closer to autonomy, the importance of safety and security is more critical than ever," said Chris Adams, vice president of the Automotive Sensing Division at onsemi. “Our knowledge of automotive applications and trends, along with our engineering expertise in image sensing, enable our customers to develop next-generation products that bring us closer to the Vision Zero initiative, a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries."
Hyperlux is designed to meet the stringent safety requirements of Automotive Safety Integrity Level D (ASIL D) systems, while integrated security gives the highest coverage to cybersecurity threats. These sensors also offer a dual output stream at differing resolutions, allowing sensing and other functions to be performed simultaneously. Designers can benefit from the flexible architecture for the use of a single camera for multiple functions, reducing design time, risk, and cost.
The first two sensors of the Hyperlux product family, AR0823AT and AR0341AT, are now sampling for early access customers. onsemi will showcase Hyperlux alongside other intelligent power and sensing technologies at AutoSens Detroit, on May 9-11, 2023.
安森美(onsemi, 纳斯达克股票代号:ON)致力推动颠覆性创新,打造更美好的未来。公司关注汽车和工业终端市场的大趋势,加速推动汽车功能电子化和汽车安全、可持续电网、工业自动化以及5G和云基础设施等细分领域的变革创新。安森美提供高度差异化的创新产品组合以及智能电源和智能感知技术,以解决全球最复杂的挑战,引领创造更安全、更清洁、更智能的世界。安森美位列《财富》美国500强,也被纳入纳斯达克100指数和标普500指数。了解更多关于安森美的信息,请访问:www.onsemi.cn。
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