By Technology
Strategic addition will expand depth perception and 3D imaging capabilities for next-generation imaging systems
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – July 2, 2024 – As part of onsemi’s continuous drive to provide the most robust, cutting-edge technologies for intelligent image sensing, the company announced today it has completed the acquisition of SWIR Vision Systems®. SWIR Vision Systems is a leading provider of CQD® (colloidal quantum-dot-based) short wavelength infrared (SWIR) technology – a technology that extends the detectable light spectrum to see through objects and capture images that were not previously possible. The integration of this patented technology within onsemi’s industry-leading CMOS sensors will significantly enhance the company’s intelligent sensing product portfolio and pave the way for further growth in key markets including industrial, automotive and defense.
CQD uses nanoparticles or crystals with unique optical and electronic properties that can be precisely tuned to absorb an extended wavelength of light. This technology extends the visibility and detection of systems beyond the range of standard CMOS sensors to SWIR wavelengths. To date, SWIR technology has been limited in adoption due to the high cost and manufacturing complexity of the traditional indium gallium arsenide (InGAas) process. With this acquisition, onsemi will combine its silicon-based CMOS sensors and manufacturing expertise with the CQD technology to deliver highly integrated SWIR sensors at lower cost and higher volume. The result are more compact, cost-effective imaging systems that offer extended spectrum and can be used in a wide array of commercial, industrial and defense applications.
These advanced SWIR sensors are able to see through dense materials, gases, fabrics and plastics, which is essential across many industries, particularly for industrial applications such as surveillance systems, silicon inspection, machine vision imaging and food inspection. In autonomous vehicle imaging, the higher spectra will create better visibility to see through difficult conditions such as extreme darkness, thick fog or winter glare.
SWIR Vision Systems is now a wholly owned subsidiary of onsemi, with its highly skilled team being integrated into the company’s Intelligent Sensing Group. The team will continue to operate in North Carolina. The acquisition is not expected to have any meaningful impact on onsemi’s near-to-midterm financial outlook.
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