By Technology
Company will be primary provider of fully optimized power system solution based on onsemi’s latest generation EliteSiC M3e platform
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – July 22, 2024 – onsemi (Nasdaq: ON) announced today it has signed a multi-year deal with Volkswagen Group to be the primary supplier of a complete power box solution as part of its next-generation traction inverter for its Scalable Systems Platform (SSP). The solution features silicon carbide-based technologies in an integrated module that can scale across all power levels – from high power to low power traction inverters to be compatible for all vehicle categories.
“By offering a complete power system solution that encompasses the entire power sub-assembly, we provide Volkswagen Group with a single, simplified modular and scalable platform that maximizes efficiency and performance for their vehicle lineup," said Hassane El-Khoury, president and CEO of onsemi. “This new approach allows for the customization of power needs and the addition of features for different vehicles without compromising on performance, all while reducing cost.”
Based on the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs, onsemi’s unique power box solution can handle more power in a smaller package which significantly reduces energy losses. The inclusion of three integrated half-bridge modules mounted on a cooling channel will further improve system efficiency by ensuring heat is effectively managed from the semiconductor to the coolant encasement. This leads to better performance, improved heat control, and increased efficiency, allowing EVs to drive further on a single charge. By using this integrated solution, Volkswagen Group will be able to easily transition to future EliteSiC-based platforms and remain at the forefront of EV innovation.
“We are very pleased to have onsemi as a strategic supplier for the power box of the traction inverter for our first tranche in the SSP platform. onsemi has convinced us with a deeply verticalized supply chain from the growth of the raw material up to the assembly of the power box,” said Mr. Dirk Große-Loheide, Member of the Extended Executive Committee Group Procurement and Member of the Board Volkswagen Brand for “Procurement”.
Mr. Till von Bothmer, Senior Vice President VW Group Procurement for Powertrain added, “On top of the verticalization, onsemi has furthermore provided a resilient supply concept with regional silicon carbide fabs across Asia, Europe and the U.S. In addition, onsemi will continuously provide the latest SiC generation to ensure competitiveness.
Volkswagen Group will also benefit from onsemi’s planned investment to expand its silicon carbide manufacturing in the Czech Republic. The investment would establish an end-to-end production facility in Europe for the traction inverter power system. The proximity of onsemi's facility would fortify Volkswagen Group’s supply chain while improving logistics and allowing for faster integration into the manufacturing process.
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