By Technology
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – March 23, 2023 – onsemi (Nasdaq: ON), a leader in intelligent power and sensing technologies, today received the 2022 Supplier of the Year Award from global automotive leader Hyundai Motor Group (HMG) at its Global Supplier Day in Montgomery. HMG recognized onsemi as a trusted provider of key technology in its ecosystem, offering supply chain resilience and manufacturing sustainability.
“HMG is pleased to announce that onsemi has been recognized as a ’2022 Supplier of the Year’," said Hyokjoon Lee, vice president and head of Electronic Parts Purchasing Group, HMG. “Not only for the hard work in maintaining supply stability during 2022 but also for the continuous communication and strategic collaboration between both companies, which raised our relationship to a new level."
“Our collaboration with HMG is rooted in the superior performance of our intelligent power and sensing technologies," said Mike Balow, executive vice president of sales at onsemi. “As important as performance are our manufacturing capabilities, quickly growing vertically integrated silicon carbide supply chain, and supply resilience. Together, they enable onsemi to support HMG’s high-volume production of innovative EVs equipped with advanced semiconductor materials."
As a top-tier eco-friendly brand that has earned its customers’ trust and meets their evolving demands, HMG provides electric vehicles equipped with outstanding electrification systems on its Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP). HMG is moving toward pilot programs both in South Korea and overseas to augment the safety of Level 4 vehicle automation, which minimizes driver intervention. As a trusted supplier, onsemi helps HMG to achieve its goals by providing intelligent power and sensing solutions.
安森美(onsemi, 纳斯达克股票代号:ON)致力推动颠覆性创新,打造更美好的未来。公司关注汽车和工业终端市场的大趋势,加速推动汽车功能电子化和汽车安全、可持续电网、工业自动化以及5G和云基础设施等细分领域的变革创新。安森美提供高度差异化的创新产品组合以及智能电源和智能感知技术,以解决全球最复杂的挑战,引领创造更安全、更清洁、更智能的世界。安森美位列《财富》美国500强,也被纳入纳斯达克100指数和标普500指数。了解更多关于安森美的信息,请访问:www.onsemi.cn。
安森美和安森美图标是Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC的注册商标。所有本文中出现的其它品牌和产品名称分别为其相应持有人的注册商标或商标。虽然公司在本新闻稿提及其网站,但此稿并不包含其网站中有关的信息。